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Home school Santiago One

Home school Santiago One

Actualizado 23/02/2015
Isabel Muñoz

Our cradle is in Salamanca between the Roman bridge, the gate of Hannibal and close to the University and the Cathedral.

We live together and manage ourselves in Assembly of educators and youth with elected representatives of all the houses. We are an ecosocial resource.

We have four homes for protection of minors, two for Young offenders, an apartment of emancipation and a residence for immigrants without papers, children with behavioral problems and former protected, single mothers without resources, etc.

For training we have initial profesional qualification programs, in kitchen, waiters, welding, mechanics and gardening. Our integrated "Lorenzo Milani" FP Centre provides vocacional training of medium and top grade face to face and online. We are benchmark of educational innovation and best practices with an alternative classrom for children coming from school failure. Our pedagogy drinks from Calasanz, Milani, Freire, etc.

For the labor insertion we have a gardening cmpany, and a social cooperative with which we contribute to rural development with a recovery centre for wild animals, beehives, vineyards and wine production, olive tres and production of oil, etc.

In the health sector, we practice a zero drug program, family planning and therapy. We follow a constructivist, systemic and focused on solutions model.

Our traveler school has toured Europe in bunk bed buses. On Holy Week of 2014 we will pass through France, Italy and Greece, eighty travelers between kids and educators. We welcome volunteers from all over the world who work with us in internship programs from Youth in Action (INJUVE).

Our program of child protection from vocational training, basic health care and socio-cultural animation in Morocco has enabled us to recover three schools working with our kids during the two summer months we traveled there in four vans.

The circus school each year introduces us to the discipline of the art, the experience of success, touring and the freedom to dream.

It is difficult to translate into a page so much life. Synthesizing:we enjoy a posible future with the "last".

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